Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I Hit A Milestone Today

...I finished off my first bottle of Tide since being a college student.
Ice cream celebration?? Spot on.
Mom: you should be proud!

Monday, March 14, 2011

It's Official

I have one more day left of the longest quarter ever! I could not be more relieved.
My final 3D project is finished and I present tomorrow.
In the first part of the project, the concept was to create wearable art based on a narrative of a character. We could make up any character we wanted on which to base our piece. My character is a 1940's army wife whose husband has been called to World War II. The concept for my dress came from the idea of newspaper headlines about the war and the letters that they would send back and forth to one another. There are also photos which signify her memories before and during the war.
The second part involved a kinetic element (anything that moves) So basically my piece had to have pronounced movement when being worn.

Concept board...

and concept sketch

And the finished product.
Note: I suck at taking self portraits....

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Whistle While You Work

A couple weeks ago I modeled for a photo shoot and being that I don't understand the meaning of "pack light" I took more than half my closet with me... just to make sure that we had all our options. Therefore, my room has been a wreck ever since. (whats new)
Today was cleaning day!

My "lets get to work" hair do

It hasn't looked this good in a long while :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Concept Sketches

For the wearable art project.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Check out this amazing kinetic sculpture sponsored by BMW (shameless plug :)...
I find it to be stunning!

Check out the video to see it in motion.